7 Tips To Master GMAT Focus Quantitative Section for a Stellar Score

7 Tips To Master GMAT Focus Quantitative Section for a Stellar Score

Preparing for the GMAT Quantitative Section can feel like a journey through varied landscapes—some parts smoother, some more challenging. If you find yourself grappling with the quantitative segment, fear not; strategic preparation and focused efforts can pave the way...
GMAT Rate Problems: Geometry

GMAT Rate Problems: Geometry

Welcome back to our series on GMAT quant rate problems. In the last article, we learned about problems involving fuel consumption rates. This article will address rates problems that incorporate geometry concepts. These are speed = distance/time problems where the...
GMAT 3D Geometry Problem – GMAT Math – Quant Section

GMAT 3D Geometry Problem – GMAT Math – Quant Section

GMAT 3D Geometry Problem  In this problem we’re going to take a look at 3D objects and in particular a special problem type on the GMAT that measures the longest distance within a three-dimensional object. Typically, they give you rectangular solids, but they...
GMAT 680 Level Geometry Problem – No Math Needed!

GMAT 680 Level Geometry Problem – No Math Needed!

GMAT Geometry Problem Hey guys, top level geometry problems are characterized typically by stringing a whole bunch of different rules together and understanding how one thing relates to the next thing, to the next thing. Until you get from the piece of information you...
Triangles With Other Shapes

Triangles With Other Shapes

As discussed before, now that we’ve talked about the basic triangles, we can start looking at how the GMAT can make problems difficult by embedding triangles in other figures, or vice versa.  Here are just a few examples, which include triangles within and outside of...