Apex Testimonials

Samantha S. | GMAT Score: 720

“When I began studying with APEX, my goal was to score a 700. In the six months of prepping for the GMAT I was able to increase my score from a 580 to a 720. They helped me recognize my strengths and weaknesses in the test and find patterns in how to problem solve effectively and efficiently.”

Hilary V. | GMAT Score: 740

“Having gone through self-prep without having APEX’s guidance, the exposure to the different ways of thinking about the problems enhanced my creative problem-solving skills which were beneficial not only for the test but to any other situation that requires this skill.”

Antoine L. K. | GMAT Score: 770

 “The best thing is that every session isn’t scripted, it is catered to me and my needs and adjusted based on the skills that I have and the progression that I am making. If my tutors realize that I am having difficulties with a problem, they readjust the plan to make sure that I am successful.”

Olga B. | GMAT Score: 710

“The skills I learned at APEX carried over into business school, helping me achieve better scores because of my way of thinking and the tools that I had to tackle problems that they presented us with.”

Alex N. | GMAT Score: 700

“Having gone through self-prep without having APEX’s guidance, the exposure to the different ways of thinking about the problems enhanced my creative problem-solving skills which were beneficial not only for the test but to any other situation that requires this skill”

Justin J. | GMAT Score: 710

“Before working with APEX, I took a practice test and got a 580, after working with APEX, I got a 710. Having worked with other test prep companies previously, it quickly became apparent that APEX’s method and approach to the test was different and would accelerate my learning of the test.”

Amanda M. | GMAT Score: 720

“Working with APEX to improve my GMAT score and for consulting was a wonderful experience.”

Alex L. | GMAT Score: 730

“I felt like APEX was in my camp and in my corner, really making sure that I was putting my best foot forward and that I was going to get the best possible score that I could. The support system that was in place was great and the experience was seamless.”

Lohe M. | GMAT Score: 680

“Having gone through self-prep without having APEX’s guidance, the exposure to the different ways of thinking about the problems enhanced my creative problem-solving skills which were beneficial not only for the test but to any other situation that requires this skill.”

David B. | GMAT Score: 750

“APEX’s approach of looking at different solution paths and understanding the GMAT’s various underlying problem forms helped me to start thinking like a test writer, not a test taker. This mindset is the key difference that I credit with my score improvement.”


GMAT Score: 720
School: Stanford School of Business

When I began studying with Apex, my goal was to score a 700. In the six months of prepping for the GMAT I was able to increase my score from a 580 to a 720. They helped me recognize my strengths and weaknesses in the test and find patterns in how to problem solve effectively and efficiently. 


GMAT Score: 720
School: London Business School

 The whole process of prepping with Apex made me challenge myself and really see the potential in me. But Apex’s help did not stop here, their assistance was there when I needed help with my admissions application. After my flawless experience with ApexGMAT, I could not help but recommend their services to friends and family.


GRE Score: 330
Apex was an incredible resource for me during my GRE preparation. My tutor, Elijah, was patient, knowledgeable, and made the study sessions feel like studying with a friend. With his help, I achieved my highest score to date, a 330, which was truly amazing. The one-on-one experience with Apex allowed me to understand the exam requirements, improve my strengths, and work on my weaknesses effectively. 

Alex N.

GMAT Score: 700
School: Northwestern University, Kellogg

Having gone through self-prep without having Apex’s guidance, the exposure to the different ways of thinking about the problems enhanced my creative problem-solving skills which were beneficial not only for the test but to any other situation that requires this skill.


GMAT Score: 710
School: Berkeley Haas

Before working with Apex, I took a practice test and got a 580, after working with Apex, I got a 710. Having worked with other test prep companies previously, it quickly became apparent that Apex’s method and approach to the test was different and I felt that the Apex method would accelerate my learning of the test.


GMAT Score: 690
School: Duke, Fuqua School of Business

After working with Apex I could look at a problem and know exactly what they were testing me on and the steps that I needed to take to get to the desired solution. They were always there to help and offered multiple solution paths in case the first one did not resonate.


GMAT Score: 750
School: Georgetown McDonough

Apex’s approach of looking at different solution paths and understanding the GMAT’s various underlying problem forms helped me to start thinking like a test writer, not a test taker. Even in a short amount of time working together, this mindset is the key difference that I credit with my score improvement.

Alex L.

GMAT Score: 730
School: University of Michigan, Ross

I felt like Apex was in my camp and in my corner, really making sure that I was putting my best foot forward and that I was going to get the best possible score that I could. The support system that was in place was great and the experience was seamless.


GMAT Score: 710
School: London Business School

The skills I learned at Apex carried over into business school, helping me achieve better scores because of my way of thinking and the tools that I had to tackle problems that they presented us with

Work with our top instructors



GMAT Score: 740
School: Harvard University

After working with Apex on my GMAT prep I scored a 740 on the exam and received admissions into 3 programs: Wharton, Harvard and MIT. I have decided to accept the Harvard MBA admissions. I had two goals when I came to Apex: 1. To reduce my nervousness and 2. to score within the range of 720 – 730 in order to apply to the schools I wanted to attend.

Amanda & Kyle

GMAT Score: Amanda: 720, Kyle: 650
School: Georgetown McDonough

Amanda: Working with Apex to improve my GMAT score and for admissions consulting was a wonderful experience.

Kyle: I wouldn’t be in business school if I hadn’t gone through this process, not only from a scoring standpoint but also from a mental preparation standpoint.

Antione Lee

GMAT Score: 770

The best thing is that every session isn’t scripted, it is catered to me and my needs and adjusted based on the skills that I have and the progression that I am making. If my tutors realize that I am having difficulties with a problem they readjust the plan to make sure that I am successful.


ieGAT: Pass (The ieGAT is a PASS/FAIL exam)
School: Instituto de Empresa   IE

What I took away from the first meeting, was not only was Mike willing to spend an hour and a half on the phone with me trying to understand who I was, what my background was, what it is that I wanted, which was absolutely night and day with the other firms that I spoke to. There was this idea that it was going to be tailored to me and the skills that I wanted to get out of the prep.


EA Score: 157
School: Columbia University

The instructors at Apex were an invaluable resource to me, they completely understood the process, they made me very comfortable. The ease of working with Apex was what I enjoyed the most. I was amazed by how much I was able to take in in such a short space of time. Understanding the success that Apex has had made me feel confident that they were a good choice.


GMAT Score: 680
School: Columbia University

When I started working with Apex we mostly focused on improving my stress and anxiety. So we worked on different kinds of breathing exercises and on different problem solving techniques that were not the usually math solutions. Once I was able to get comfortable with these techniques my speed and score increased a lot. It was a good mix of stress management and thinking out of the box.

Schedule a free call with an Apex  instructor today


Olga M. - EA | EMBA – Oxford

I’d like to thank Mike and Chris at ApexGMAT who helped me with my preparation for the EA exam.

When I began preparing, I was applying to an EMBA at Oxford, was very busy with my job – a full-time position – and had no previous experience with either the EA or the GMAT. To get admitted to this extremely competitive programme I needed a high EA score, and on the first attempt since time was really precious to me. I knew I needed the most efficient preparation.
I started self-prepping using all available resources including one online course. I was preparing the same way I had always prepared for the numerous exams I’ve taken throughout my life to become a physician – which I’ve successfully passed on the first attempt. I very quickly realized that the EA is very different from all my previous exams and my established methods of preparation are not working for me this time.

After reading about Apex’s individualized approach to each student, I made an appointment with Mike and talked to him for the first time. Apex’s method sounded very appealing to me, and that is exactly how it was since our first conversation – tailored to my personality, my way of learning, and my goals. Chris and Mike, my instructors, were absolutely amazing at putting me at ease – considering the fact that I turned to ApexGMAT completely stressed out about taking the EA, even close to panicking.

I was immensely impressed by their professionalism as teachers. The whole process of studying became very enjoyable and soon everything started to make sense. Chris is an absolute storehouse of knowledge, full of endless clever and very efficient tricks for studying. I ended up feeling fully confident and well prepared when going into an exam in which psychology plays an enormous role. This is something I realized only after starting my preparation with ApexGMAT.

I am living my dream now, pursuing an EMBA at Oxford, and I am truly grateful to Mike and Chris for their help in my preparation for the EA exam. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without them.

Alexander S. | Cambridge University

I hope this message finds you well. We want to thank you for tutoring and being part of Alex’s journey. This world needs more inspirational teachers like you who care and try. Thank you so much. 

Amir N. - GMAT/EA

Early in 2021, I started self-prepping, with a subscription to a GMAT website but this method of preparing did not go as planned because I still had a lot of unanswered questions. I reached out to Mike and I could tell that he understood where I was coming from and what my main challenges going into the exam were. At the beginning of my journey, my plans were to prepare for taking the GMAT, but after some advice from Apex’s professionals, I was guided to take the EA instead, which was the most convenient decision ever made. While working with Apex I managed to get my confidence boosted, my brain stamina strengthened, my time management skills improved, and my speed of decision making accelerated.

Assad S. - GMAT

“It’s like an epiphany. All of a sudden a lot of things have become very clear. I wasn’t able to describe this situation before, but now the entire framework makes it crystal clear. I can see myself really doing things in a better way just because now I know how to structure these concepts.” [after a first session on Data Sufficiency]

Irfan L. – GMAT: 740

Before using APEX I felt that I was struggling with certain sections of the GMAT and knew that with some tutoring I could end up getting a better score. I was averaging between 670 and 710 on practice scores and was getting frustrated at my lack of progress.
After only a few hours with Apex, so many things clicked into place and I felt so much more confident about the test. I ended up scoring 740 on the real test and the bump higher was entirely thanks to Apex. I would highly recommend their service.

Natalia B. | MBA - Chicago Booth

I’m thrilled to share the news that I got into Booth ! Thank you for all your help and support, the tutoring really made the difference to get a competitive GMAT score.

Aiden T. – EA: 156

I took the Executive Assessment and just got my results back and I scored 156 total! I just wanted to let you know and to extend my thanks for all of your help, doubtless it helped me significantly in achieving this score! I’m really happy with it!
I feel like I can draw a line in the sand now and move on !

Yakov P. - GMAT | MM - LBS

This past week I got an offer to join the Masters in Management program at the London Business School! I wanted to thank you for all the help you provided me, not only with the GMAT but also with the guidance and support throughout the application process. I really can’t imagine that this would have been possible without it.

Elizabeth M. - GMAT: 700

I tested today and scored a 700! (from a 620 when I first contacted you). I wanted to say thank you so much for your ongoing support — I appreciate your help through this process and can truly say Apex’s tutoring gave me a massive boost in both skills and confidence. The techniques you taught me were invaluable in my self prep and directly contributed to the increase in my score.

Kiran F. - GMAT | MBA - Oxford

I was accepted yesterday to the Oxford Said Business School for the 2021/22 MBA programme! Delighted and relieved in equal measure. Thank you for coaching me along throughout this process and for the brilliant sessions. I am very grateful.

N.A. - EA

I absolutely loved my experience with Apex and would highly recommend their services to anyone preparing for a standardized test. The curriculum and schedule was completely tailored to me and around my learning style and personality, which I very much appreciated. The instructors were thorough, organized, and above all kind and supportive. The lessons were rigorous yet relaxed, and the instructors offered constant support and guidance whenever I needed it during self-prep. They understood my academic and professional background and integrated my experience and learning style into my curriculum.

My mathematical foundation was quite limited, so I needed personalized coaching to be able to tackle the exam. It had been many years since I sat for a standardized exam, and knew I would benefit from one to one coaching on best strategies, a tailored studying curriculum and schedule, and support on pre-test nerves. The instructors were so knowledgeable, and well versed in different teaching styles. They would explain and reframe a concept in different ways to ensure I fully understood it. They were supportive and available on email and phone to go over self-prep, testing questions, and scheduling.

Terry - GMAT | MBA - Fuqua School of Business

Mike and Elijah – I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share some great news—I’ve been accepted to Duke’s Fuqua School of Business! Your guidance and recommendation played a significant role in this achievement, and I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your support throughout this process.

I truly appreciate your help and encouragement, and I’m excited to begin this new chapter with your invaluable advice in mind.

How do I know if Apex is the right test prep company for me?

Choosing the right test prep company is an important decision, and we understand that it can be overwhelming. At Apex, we offer a personalized approach to test preparation that is tailored to the unique needs of each student. We believe that our expert instructors, comprehensive curriculum, and innovative teaching methods set us apart from other test prep companies.

To determine if Apex is the right fit for you, we recommend starting with a free consultation with one of our senior instructors. During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals and concerns and learn more about our teaching approach and methodology. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your test preparation goals and providing the support you need to succeed.

On average, how long do your students take when preparing for the GMAT?

At Apex, we believe that every student is unique and has different needs when it comes to test preparation. As a result, the length of time it takes to prepare for the GMAT varies from student to student.

Our team works closely with each student to develop a customized test preparation plan that is tailored to their individual needs and goals, which can impact the length of time it takes to prepare. On average, our students typically spend between 2-6 months preparing for their exam, but this can vary based on the student’s starting point and the target score they are trying to achieve.

Do you offer any services or resources to connect alumni with each other?

Yes, we offer a variety of resources and services to connect our alumni with each other. We believe that building a strong network of like-minded individuals is an important part of achieving long-term success, and we want to support our students even after they have completed their test preparation journey. Some of the resources we offer include LinkedIn discussion groups and opportunities to connect with our instructors and other experts in the field.

Still not sure where to start? No worries. We are here to help.