Preparing for the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) requires dedication, discipline, and effective time management. A well-planned GMAT study schedule is crucial for success as it helps you allocate sufficient time to cover all the necessary content, practice your skills, and improve your weaknesses. In this article, we will explore how to manage your time effectively while preparing for the GMAT and provide practical tips for designing a personalized study plan.

How Many Hours Should I Dedicate to GMAT Study Each Day?

The number of hours you should dedicate to GMAT study each day depends on several factors, 

  • Your current level of knowledge
  • Your target score 
  • The time frame you have available before the test. 

It is generally recommended to allocate at least 10-15 hours per week for GMAT preparation. However, some individuals may need more or less time based on their unique circumstances.

Assessing Your Available Time

Before designing your GMAT study schedule, it is important to assess your available time realistically. Take into account your work or school commitments, personal responsibilities, and other obligations. Identify time slots during the day when you can consistently dedicate uninterrupted time to studying. It is crucial to be honest with yourself about how much time you can realistically commit to GMAT preparation without compromising other important aspects of your life.

What are some effective techniques for managing distractions and staying focused during study sessions?

Distractions can significantly hinder your study progress and reduce the effectiveness of your study sessions. To manage distractions and stay focused, consider the following techniques:

  1. Create a conducive study environment: Find a quiet and comfortable place to study without interruptions. Minimize distractions by turning off notifications on your phone or computer.
  2. Use productivity tools: Utilize apps or browser extensions that block distracting websites or limit your access to social media during study sessions.
  3. Set specific goals: Break down your study sessions into smaller, manageable tasks and set specific goals for each session. This helps maintain focus and provides a sense of accomplishment when you complete those tasks.
  4. Practice mindfulness: Develop a habit of being present and fully engaged during your study sessions. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to the task at hand.

Designing a Personalized GMAT Study Plan

Designing a personalized GMAT study plan is essential for efficient and effective preparation. While you can create a study plan on your own, seeking the guidance of a tutor or GMAT prep expert can be beneficial, especially if you are unsure about where to start or how to structure your study sessions.

A tutor designing a study plan – is it a good idea?

A tutor can assess your strengths and weaknesses, provide expert advice on study materials and resources, and help you create a tailored study plan that suits your learning style and goals. They can also offer support and accountability throughout your preparation journey.

Engaging the services of a tutor, such as Apex Focus Tutoring, to design a study plan for your GMAT preparation can be an excellent idea. A tutor brings valuable expertise and experience to the table, which can significantly enhance your study approach and increase your chances of success.

What can I do if I fall behind in my study schedule?

It is not uncommon to face setbacks or fall behind in your study schedule. If this happens, don’t panic. Instead, reassess your study plan and make necessary adjustments. Consider redistributing your study time to cover missed content or allocate extra time to practice areas where you feel less confident. Prioritize the most important topics and allocate more time to them while still maintaining a balance across all sections of the exam.

Remember, it is essential to stay motivated and committed. Celebrate small victories, and don’t let setbacks discourage you. Seek support from fellow test-takers or a study group to stay accountable and motivated.

Balancing Core Subjects and Weak Areas in Your Study Schedule

When designing your study schedule, ensure a balanced approach by allocating time to both core subjects and weak areas. The GMAT consists of four main sections: 

Allocate time to each section based on your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your weak areas but don’t neglect the subjects you are already proficient in. A balanced study plan helps ensure a well-rounded skill set and overall improvement.

Implementing Effective Time-Management Strategies

To effectively manage your time during GMAT preparation, consider the following strategies:

  1. Create a study calendar: Use a calendar or a scheduling app to plan your study sessions in advance. This helps you allocate time to specific topics and ensures you cover all the necessary content.
  2. Break down your study sessions: Instead of long study marathons, break your study sessions into shorter, focused blocks of time. This helps maintain concentration and prevents burnout.
  3. Utilize practice tests strategically: Incorporate full-length practice tests into your study plan at regular intervals. These tests not only help you assess your progress but also simulate the actual test-taking experience, improving your time management skills.

Adapting and Adjusting Your Study Schedule Along the Way

As you progress through your GMAT preparation, regularly evaluate and adjust your study schedule. Pay attention to your performance in practice tests and identify areas that require more attention. Be flexible and adapt your study plan accordingly. Don’t be afraid to modify your schedule if certain study methods or resources do not yield the desired results. Experiment with different approaches until you find what works best for you.


A well-planned GMAT study schedule is crucial for success. Dedicate an appropriate amount of time to your studies each day, considering your other commitments. Manage distractions effectively, stay focused during study sessions, and seek guidance from tutors or experts if needed. Design a personalized study plan that addresses your strengths and weaknesses while maintaining balance across all sections. Implement effective time-management strategies, and be willing to adapt and adjust your schedule. With diligent planning and disciplined execution, you can maximize your GMAT preparation and achieve your target score.

At Apex, we specialize in creating personalized study plans tailored to your unique needs. Our team of experienced tutors takes into account your individual strengths and weaknesses to provide you with the most effective and efficient study experience possible. We understand that every student is different, and we are committed to helping you achieve your highest potential on the GMAT.

You can book a complimentary 30-minute call with a senior instructor who has achieved a score of 770+. During this call, our experts will assess your current level of knowledge, discuss your goals, and answer any questions you may have. This initial consultation is an opportunity for you to get to know our tutors, understand our approach, and determine if our services are the right fit for you.

Our tutors have a deep understanding of the GMAT exam and are well-versed in the most effective study materials and resources. They will guide you in selecting the best materials that align with your learning style and goals. Additionally, our tutors provide ongoing support and accountability, ensuring that you stay motivated and focused throughout your preparation journey.

We are confident that our personalized study plans, combined with the expertise of our tutors, will help you maximize your GMAT score. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to work with our top-scoring tutors. Book your complimentary call and take the first step towards GMAT success with Apex.

Contributor: Anna Martirosyan