The GMAT Integrated Reasoning section is designed to test your ability to analyze and solve problems using multiple sources of information. This part of the GMAT tests your ability to reason by using both verbal and numerical abilities. You will be asked to interpret data from tables, charts, and graphs, draw conclusions from given information and solve problems based on two or more sets of data. 

The GMAT Integrated Reasoning Section is not a test of your knowledge in any particular content area. Rather, it measures your ability to analyze complex problems with many contributing factors included within them.

What is the Structure of the GMAT Integrated Reasoning Section?

The GMAT Integrated Reasoning Section is made up of 12 questions to be completed in 30 minutes. 

What is the Scoring on the GMAT Integrated Reasoning Section?

The GMAT Integrated Reasoning Section is scored on a scale from 1 to 8 in single-digit intervals. You will receive a separate score for the GMAT Integrated Reasoning Section, which will be reported separately from your Verbal and Quantitative scores. The GMAT Integrated Reasoning score will not affect your total score (200-800), but schools will be able to see it. 

What are the different types of questions in the GMAT Integrated Reasoning Section?  

There are four types of questions in the GMAT Integrated Reasoning Section: 

Multi-Source Reasoning, Table Analysis, Graphics Interpretation, and Two-Part Analysis. 

Multi-Source Reasoning

Multi-Source Reasoning is an important measure of your ability to examine data from multiple sources and analyze each source carefully in order to answer questions. Some will ask that you recognize discrepancies among different pieces, while others may call for drawing conclusions or determining if certain information should be considered relevant.

There are two formats for Multi-Source Reasoning questions:

Multiple-choice questions: Read the question carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked and choose the best answer out of the five choices.

Multiple-dichotomous choice questions: You will be provided with three sentences, numeral values, or algebraic expressions and you will need to decide if it meets certain conditions. For example, you will need to determine if a statement is true or if an algebraic expression is consistent with the sources or if it can solve the problem presented. 

Multi-Source Reasoning Question Strategies:

  • Based on the facts supplied, choose the answer options with the most support.
  • Analyze each source of information thoroughly, since the questions need a thorough knowledge of the facts offered.
  • Examine the questions carefully to ensure that you understand what is being asked.
  • Expect to be unfamiliar with the content covered.

Table Analysis

Table Analysis  assesses your ability to sort and evaluate a table of data to identify whether the information is useful or meets particular criteria. A brief statement describing the table or offering further information may be included. The question then asks you to choose one of three sentences, statements, numerical values, or algebraic expressions and indicate whether or not each one fits a certain requirement.

To analyze a table you might need to:

  • Find the mean, median, and/or range.
  • Determine probabilities and/or proportions.
  • Compare entries and find colorations between them. 

For example, you might be asked to:

  • If a statement is true, according to the provided table.
  • If a numerical value is consistent with the information in the table.

Table Analysis Question Strategies:

  • Take your time reading the question.
  • To identify the data analysis necessary, carefully read each word, statement, numerical value, or algebraic expression.
  • Examine the table and related text to see what kind of information is offered.
  • On the basis of the conditions stated, carefully evaluate each phrase, statement, numerical value, or algebraic expression.

Graphics Interpretation

Graphics Interpretation  measures the ability to interpret information displayed in graphs or other graph images to identify relationships and draw conclusions.

To read graphs, determine what information is represented on each axis. This can be done by carefully examining any labels or scales that may appear with the axes and title of the graph itself; it’s also important to take note if there are accompanying text strings below these items which provide additional insights. Determine the appropriate values on the horizontal and vertical axes to determine the value of a data point on the graph.

Graphics Interpretation Question Strategies:

  • Carefully read any associated content. If there is more text, it may help to clarify.
  • Examine the options in the dropdown menu before beginning any work.
  • Select the one that best completes the sentence.

Two-Part Analysis

Two-Part Analysis is designed to measure your ability in solving complex problems that can be quantitative, verbal, or some combination of both. Also your ability to make relationships between two entities. 

You might be asked to:

  • Compute the amounts of two distinct components in a combination 
  • Determine something that would be lost and/or something that would be gained in a tradeoff
  • Determine the maximum number of two distinct items that may be purchased within a certain budget.
  • Determine a first and second act that, when taken simultaneously, would bring a corporation into compliance with a new rule.

Two-Part Analysis Question Strategies:

  • Do not select an answer until you have thoroughly reviewed all of the available options.
  • Determine if tasks are dependent or independent of one another.
  • Remember that one answer choice can be the right answer for both columns.

There is no one right way to approach these questions, but it is important to be sure to carefully read the questions and identify what is being asked. To score well on this section, you will need to practice identifying relationships and drawing conclusions from data. . Expect to be unfamiliar with the content covered.

Are there any questions that you still have about the GMAT Integrated Reasoning section? Register now for a free consultation with one of our top tutors. With some practice, you will be able to approach the GMAT Integrated Reasoning section with confidence 

Contributor: Cynthia Addoumieh