GMAT Reading Comprehension: Business/Economics Passages

GMAT Reading Comprehension: Business/Economics Passages

The last article in this series on the Verbal Reasoning section introduced a “three-track” attentiveness strategy for the GMAT Reading Comprehension Section: what the passage says  |  what the author is doing  |  what the author/subjects think This article will apply...
Common Sentence Correction Errors: Verb Forms and Parallelism

Common Sentence Correction Errors: Verb Forms and Parallelism

GMAT Sentence Correction Practice Questions: Verb Forms and Parallelism Two related error types on GMAT Sentence Correction questions are verb forms and parallelism. The form of a verb must be logical and appropriate for the timing of the performance of the verb. And...
Common Sentence Correction Errors: Comparisons and Contrasts

Common Sentence Correction Errors: Comparisons and Contrasts

Comparing or contrasting two things or ideas is a common function of Sentence Correction questions on the GMAT. GMAT Comparison and contrast errors fall into two main categories: (1) using incorrect and unidiomatic wordings to express the comparison/contrast (2)...
GMAT Rate Problems: Algebraic Answers

GMAT Rate Problems: Algebraic Answers

Welcome back to our series on GMAT quant rate problems. In this final article, we’ll explore problems that have algebraic expressions as answer choices. You have a few options whenever you encounter one of these problems, but this article will focus on solving them by...
GMAT Rate Problems: Change of Speed Problems

GMAT Rate Problems: Change of Speed Problems

Welcome back to our series on GMAT quant rate problems. In the last two articles, we saw how GMAT quant problems employ the concepts of average speed and instantaneous speed. This article will introduce methods for solving problems where the speed of a vehicle...