Oxbridge Admissions Consulting

Premium Guidance for Oxford and Cambridge (Oxbridge) Admissions

Apex offers expert, bespoke guidance to aspiring students aiming to attend Oxford and Cambridge. Our personally tailored services help you choose between these two outstanding schools, navigate the competitive admissions process and tailor your application to highlight your academic prowess and personal strengths. 

Speak with an Apex consultant today

Why Choose Oxbridge?

Oxford and Cambridge are synonymous with academic excellence, producing some of the world’s most influential thinkers, leaders, and innovators. Admission to a top college requires more than stellar grades and a series of A*s; it demands intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a passion for your chosen field of study.

Our Approach

 Apex offers a highly customized Oxbridge admissions consulting, emphasizing your individual strengths and academic goals. We strive to create a thorough application strategy that appeals to Oxford and Cambridge admissions committees by aligning your profile with the values they seek. Our process ensures you understand where you fit within their academic community, guiding you through each step of the admissions journey.

School Selection & Professional Audit

  • Initial Consultation: We start by taking a deep dive into your academic journey, career goals, and personal aspirations. This session helps us understand your strengths, weaknesses, and what drives you. We’ll talk about your achievements, ambitions, and how you see your future unfolding. This is more than just an academic audit; it’s about understanding you as a person.
  • Program Suitability: Once we have a clear picture of who you are and what you want to achieve, we’ll identify those specific colleges within Oxford and Cambridge that best fit your profile and aspirations. We aim to find the perfect match where you can thrive academically and personally.
  • Directed Search: Leverage our extensive knowledge of Cambridge and Oxford to guide your school selection. We’ll help you present the best version of yourself to each institution, focusing on how your unique qualities make you an ideal candidate for their program

Narrative Development

  • Personal Profile: Together, we’ll craft a compelling narrative showcasing your unique strengths and aspirations. This narrative will serve as the foundation for your personal statement and interviews. We’ll explore your experiences, motivations, and the moments that have shaped you, ensuring your story is authentic and impactful.
  • Story Crafting: Develop a genuine representation of who you are, highlighting your intellectual curiosity and passion for your chosen field. We’ll help you articulate your journey in a way that resonates with admissions committees, demonstrating not just what you’ve done, but who you are and why it matters.
  • Engagement: Engage in meaningful discussions about your future, refining your narrative to ensure it aligns with what Oxbridge admissions committees seek. We’ll provide insights and advice to make your personal statement a powerful testament to your potential.

UCAS Application Support

  • Application Assistance: Navigating the UCAS application process can be daunting, but we’re here to make it straightforward. We’ll guide you through each section, ensuring every detail is meticulously completed, from your personal details to your education history and employment records. We’ll ensure your application meets all the requirements and shines in its presentation.
  • Personal Statement Development: Your personal statement is your story—make it compelling. We’ll help you craft a narrative that reflects your academic strengths, personal journey, and passion for your chosen field. Through detailed feedback and multiple revision sessions, we ensure your personal statement stands out for all the right reasons.
  • Reference Guidance: Selecting the right referees is crucial. We’ll assist you in choosing individuals who can provide strong, detailed endorsements of your academic and personal qualities. Additionally, we’ll guide your referees in writing impactful references that complement your application, ensuring they highlight the aspects of your profile that align with Oxbridge’s expectations.

Essay Crafting

  • Strategic Guidance: Understand the subtext of essay prompts and address them effectively. We’ll outline and draft essays that let your voice shine through, focusing on the depth and clarity of your ideas. Our approach ensures your essays are well-written and reflective of your unique perspective and analytical skills.
  • Drafting and Refinement: Provide iterative feedback through multiple drafts to ensure your essays are polished, focused, and reflective of your candidacy. We’ll work with you to refine your essays until they are clear, compelling, and error-free, ensuring they make a strong impression on Oxbridge admissions committees.

Interview Preparation

  • Mock Interviews: Simulate the Oxbridge interview experience with mock sessions. Focus on critical thinking and subject-specific discussions to prepare you for the real thing. Our mock interviews are designed to replicate the actual interview environment, helping you build confidence and improve your performance.
  • Talking Points: Develop and refine talking points, practicing responses to maintain focus on your narrative while handling unexpected questions. We’ll teach you techniques to stay calm under pressure and communicate your thoughts clearly and effectively.
  • Active Participation: We encourage active engagement in mock interviews, helping you develop skills that will benefit you during actual interviews and beyond. We’ll provide constructive feedback and actionable advice to help you excel.

Online Audit

  • Social Media Review: Ensure your online presence aligns with the professional image you wish to present. We’ll review your social media profiles, LinkedIn, and any other online presence to ensure consistency with your application narrative.
  • Digital Footprint Management: Advice on cleaning up or enhancing your digital footprint, making sure that everything publicly available about you supports your candidacy.

Ongoing Mentorship

  • Continuous Guidance: We provide ongoing mentorship throughout the entire application process, addressing any concerns and keeping you on track. This includes developing effective study habits, time management skills, and other essential competencies for success at Ivy League schools. Our mentorship is holistic, focusing on both your academic and personal growth. We’re with you every step of the way, offering support, motivation, and practical advice to help you achieve your goals.

Work with our top consultants

Meet Our Expert Oxbridge Admissions Consultant

Our team comprises of a seasoned professional, an Oxford graduate, with extensive experience in Oxbridge admissions.

Richard Major, DPhil

Dr. Richard, an Oxford alumnus with degrees at three levels (BA, MA, and a doctorate), is a seasoned admissions consultant and a former Rhodes Scholar. He earned his DPhil at Magdalen College, Oxford, where his research was published by the Bodleian library. Richard’s extensive experience includes tutoring at Oxford. His dynamic approach focuses on igniting intellectual curiosity and meticulously planning every step of the application process, from personal statements to interviews, ensuring students are well-prepared for the unique challenges of Oxbridge admissions.

Pricing Plans

At Apex, we understand that each Oxbridge applicant’s journey is unique, and our pricing reflects our commitment to providing tailored expert guidance.

Our admission consulting services are billed hourly, so you only pay for the hours that you use while you receive personalized support from our experts who are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of Oxbridge applications.

Let’s work together to get you into Oxford or Cambridge, empowering you with the necessary skills and self-assurance to succeed. Start this journey with us towards achieving academic success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How important are extracurricular activities for Oxbridge applications?

While academics are the primary focus, Oxbridge also values extracurricular activities, demonstrating a student’s passion for their chosen field and ability to manage multiple commitments. Activities that stretch beyond the usual curriculum, such as advanced problem-solving or research projects, can significantly bolster an application.

What should I include in my personal statement for Oxbridge?

Your personal statement should showcase your academic journey, intellectual curiosity, and passion for your chosen subject. Highlight specific experiences, such as relevant coursework, independent projects, and extracurricular activities, that have prepared you for study at Oxbridge. Authenticity is crucial; the personal statement should reflect your unique experiences and aspirations.

How does the interview process work at Oxbridge?

Interviews are a critical component of the Oxbridge admissions process. They are designed to assess your intellectual ability, enthusiasm for the subject, and potential to benefit from the tutorial or supervision system. Interviews often involve discussing topics related to your course, problem-solving, and critical thinking exercises. Practicing with mock interviews can be very beneficial.

What are the admissions tests required for Oxbridge?

Many courses at Oxford and Cambridge require admissions tests. Examples include the Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) for various subjects, the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) for math-related courses, and the Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) for medicine. It’s essential to check the specific requirements for your course and prepare thoroughly.

Join our alumni with your own 700+ GMAT, 155+ EA or 330+ GRE score. Begin preparing the right way today.