Best GMAT Prep Resources 2025

by | Jan 3, 2025 | GMAT

Fatma Xhafa

Fatma Xhafa

Fatma is our Director of Operations and has been with Apex since 2020. With over four years of experience in the test prep industry, she combines her background in computer science and business with deep industry expertise to manage day-to-day operations and lead the Apex team.

A simple web search on the internet will provide you with a plethora of information on how to begin your GMAT journey. However, it is important to know that before actually sitting down to study, you must choose the right and most effective resources to prepare for the test and perform as well as possible. Moreover, as nowadays we can find tons of GMAT resources and books online, it is quite challenging to sift through those which are worth trying – and to avoid those which will just give you headaches.

GMAT Prep Books 2023

Of course, we have to start with the books. There are various GMAT prep books on the market, but there are some criteria which you can use to pick the ones that will suit your skills, goals, and the time you want to invest in your GMAT prep.

4 Things to look out for when purchasing a GMAT prep book!

1. It should include algorithms

A good GMAT book should walk you, step-by-step, through problems. It should show, not tell, you how to tackle specific problems. You can then decide which strategy is the most optimal for you. If you are using a GMAT prep book which doesn’t include a good explanation of a strategy or tactic needed to solve the problem, it’s better if you look for other options.

2. GMAT Practice Problems

Seeing how a problem is solved makes the reader think that everything is easy. However, you start to really learn when you yourself solve problems and exercises from scratch. This is why you need to constantly search for books which provide you with tons of GMAT practice questions and answers to them. This is so that later on you can check the solution paths yourself and keep track of your problem-solving progress.

3. Check the Reviews

You are definitely not the only one who’s preparing for the GMAT test and is using resources to do so. It is always a good idea to try and find some reviews and feedback on a specific GMAT prep book you are planning to use, in order to understand how much it actually helped other test-takers achieve their GMAT target scores. Obviously, reviews can be subjective and very individual. However, you will still have some understanding of the overall quality of the book and its potential to help you get a stellar score on the GMAT exam.

4. Latest Versions

Always search for books that are constantly updated and go for the latest one. Although the main procedure and concept of the GMAT test have not changed a lot, some details or types of problems can be modified, so it is important to use the latest versions of GMAT books in order to not get behind on the latest updates and changes of the test.

GMAT Online Preparation Courses 2023

You may ace the GMAT by using a variety of tools such as books, online courses, forums, and other internet resources. GMAT books and online GMAT courses are the two most popular ways to prepare for the GMAT exam. However, if we try to compare the online courses with GMAT books, the former one is definitely much more efficient and effective, and here are some reasons why.

1. You spend less time

For every 10-point increase on the GMAT, you’ll require 7 hours of preparation if you use a data-driven online resource. Approximately the same result is obtained by studying from books, which takes 12 hours. Here is when one-on-one tutoring can become very handy and effective.

2. It’s much easier to concentrate

Audio-video materials, most of the time, are more engaging to those who use them. Thus they tend to be more successful than text-based content. Because it’s simpler to concentrate, you’ll just need half as many revisions to obtain a higher proficiency level. As a consequence, you will learn more in less time.

3. Finally, the GMAT is an ONLINE exam

Because the GMAT exam is taken on a computer device it is preferable to practice on a computer during your preparation. If you solely prepare with GMAT prep books, you’ll have to switch to preparing on a computer, which will eat into your valuable preparation time. As a result, you may utilize this time to improve your GMAT ability and time management skills.

Final Thoughts on Best GMAT Prep Resources

All in all, GMAT preparation courses are in many ways more efficient and can get you the score you aim for. However, it is also very important to pick courses and tutors that are trustworthy, professional, and knowledgeable. Apex GMAT, which offers the most comprehensive GMAT preparation on the market, is a good choice to consider. You can contact us and start your GMAT journey with us.