GMAT Focus Edition: Your Questions Answered

How is the new GMAT Focus Edition different from the current version? The GMAT Focus Edition is shorter and has a smaller syllabus than the current version. The GMAT Focus Edition will have no Analytical Writing Assessment. The current version’s quant section gives 62...

GMAT Focus Edition and Current GMAT 2023

    The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is undergoing significant changes with the introduction of the GMAT Focus Edition 2023. The new GMAT is designed to meet the evolving needs of business schools and employers and emphasizes higher-order...

GMAT Focus Edition Practice Exam: Expert’s Analysis

The GMAT Focus Edition is on its way. With the release earlier this week of the 2023-2024 Official Guide and its accompanying review books, digital practice question packs for each of the test’s three sections, and, of course, the first two official practice exams,...
GRE Analytical Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide

GRE Analytical Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Before you begin your battery of Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning sections on the GRE, you will have to complete the Analytical Writing measure. Read on to learn about this important section of the test and for useful preparation tips. What is the...
How to Build a Strong GRE Vocabulary That Will Last

How to Build a Strong GRE Vocabulary That Will Last

By now you know that GRE preparation, for almost everyone, involves studying vocabulary words. Half of the questions on the GRE verbal reasoning sections are vocabulary-based. You will have to select from an answer choice set of vocabulary words to appropriately fill...